When Saving Money Is NOT A Value


Insurance is a hot topic right now with all the changes going on in the industry. You know the quote “15 minutes can save you 15% or more on car insurance”. So catchy I know! This quote perfectly depicts the…

Why Do I Need Renters Insurance?

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If you have had a chance to explore our website, you found we offer an array of coverage options including auto insurance, homeowners insurance, boat insurance, but we help with renters insurance too! I have noticed our customers tend to…

Creative Christmas Gifts of 2017!

I think we hear it all too often… this year flew by and it seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating the arrival of 2017, and now 2018 is just around the corner. This means it is that time…

Trick Or Treating Safety Tips

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Keep Your Children Safe on Halloween! Why do you look forward to fall?  For many people it is the rapidly changing tree colors, oversized sweaters, and cocoa. For children though, it is the creative costumes, Halloween parties, and best of all… trick or treating!…

Our Agent Qualities

“What qualities should my insurance agent have?” This is a question that runs through a consumer’s mind when they are searching for an agent to write their insurance that will ultimately protect them. An agent needs to have the highest…